As we move toward becoming licensed as a full time facility, the Little Sprouts ELC Management Team will submit a monthly report to our Faith Cov Leadership Team and on this website .  

read the full JULY update here


Administration (Shannon Unger)

  • Enrollment is going well
  • Reconfigured classes to reflect demand (added a preschool class in place of a school age class)
  • There will be an ice cream social on August 6 for families.
  • Our licensing application has been submitted and is under review.
  • Interviews for staff are being conducted
  • Benefits for staff are being finalized

Physical Logistics (Anthony Apeles and Shannon Unger)

  • We are contracting with DBM Construction, and they anticipate completing the work by early August  
  • A contractor for the security system has been chosen and he will install keyless entry security locks. 
  • The Fire Department has done a walk through and we are getting clarification on requirements to meet code. 
  • A fencing contractor has been chosen. 
  • Concrete work has begun.

Finance (Scott Neel)

  • We have initiated our first loan pull from NCP of $116,787.33.  
  • Accounting and payroll software is being set up. 
  • We have identified 9 grants that would meet our needs. We are in discussion with 2 grant writers on a fee schedule.

Governance (Dan Platter)

  • We are now exempt from B&O Tax
  • We have decided to pay into unemployment insurance as a benefit to employees.

Communications/Marketing (Shannon/Cindy/Kurt)

  • Marketing is continuing through the website
  • We have a meeting with Parent Map magazine about opportunites to advertise. 
  • Our booth at Rhubarb days generated many leads.