sacred spaces

creating art together

We were designed to long for timelessness. We were made for eternity. Jesus' death and resurrection ensured that. Engrained within is the recognition of God's grace filling us to the brim that we might pour ourselves out.

"For we are God's masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 This speaks truth, brings healing, and facilitates worship.

God is the author and perfector of creativity in all its glory.

The mission of SACRED SPACES is to provide a sacred space and time for creativity and fellowship.

You are invited to this sacred space.

No previous painting experience is necessary.

Ages 12 and up are welcome.

There will be a different art project offered each month, September through June.

Dale Child, a retired art teacher, will be offering instruction.

We ask for a $5-10 donation to help offset the cost of supplies (including snacks and drinks!).

For planning purposes, it's helpful if you register ahead of time.

Section Title

2024-2025 Project list

November 9, Imagination

This month we’ll celebrate our wonderful gift of imagination. Please come with an idea from

your imagination. We’ll paint on canvas and then you’ll select one part of your picture to paint

again on a miniature wooden disc to become a Christmas ornament.

rsvp here

January 11, Collaboration: Painted Rocks

Join us as we collaborate to paint rocks to give to Little Sprouts for their playground (and/or you can paint one for yourself). By request, we’ll paint creatures such as dragonflies, bumblebees, grasshoppers, caterpillars, butterflies, ladybugs, and fireflies. These bugs go along with their theme so they will find a perfect place on the new playground providing beauty, whimsy and wonder. 

February 8, Parrots

Join us this month as we bring some vivid color to the gray WA February days. Our subject

matter will be vibrant colorful parrots. We’ll journey artistically to a tropical paradise and

capture a freeze frame of these fascinating birds.

March 8, Four Seasons

This month we’ll explore painting the four seasons By dividing the canvas into four squares,

you’ll have the opportunity to choose the subject matter (realistic or abstract) to convey the

different seasons.

April 12, Landscape

Join us this month to paint your favorite landscape. Will you be painting the mountains or the

ocean? Do you gravitate to farmlands or waterfalls? Please come with a reference in mind.

May 10, Flora and Fauna

This month you’ll have the opportunity to paint a wooden hanging shelf. You can choose

beautiful flowers, plants, vines or woodland animals- flora and fauna. The shelf can be for or in

memory of your mother since it’s Mother’s Day weekend.

June 14, Lighthouse

The final Sacred Space gathering this year will spotlight lighthouses. Be sure to join us as we

explore iconic lighthouses around the world. Please come with a reference in mind. We’ll take

July and August off and reconvene in September