Welcome to immerse

Volume 4: Prophets, February - March 2025

Immerse: The Reading Bible is a six-volume, specially-formatted Bible created with one goal in mind: to provide the best Bible reading experience possible. By reading together twice a year, our church will read through all six volumes—the entire Bible—in three years. Then, we'll start again!

You can view the reading plans and listen to the Immerse audio files here below

prophets reading plan and audio files

prophets group finder/order books


1. A Bible Made for Reading

The Reading Bible is a unique six-volume Bible. The text is laid out in a beautiful single-column setting with chapters, verses, section headings, and footnotes removed, and with the content of each book displayed according to its literary genre.  You can read through large portions of the Bible eight or sixteen weeks at a time. 


2. Simple coversations

Once a week, community groups will engage in simple “book club” style conversations.

We will engage the Scriptures freely using 4 questions:

1. What stood out to you this week?

2. Was there anything confusing or troubling?

3. Did anything make you think differently about God?

4. How might this change the way we live?


3. Continuous rhythm

This isn’t meant to be a one-time experience. Rather, Immerse enables us to follow a regular communal Bible reading rhythm. By reading together twice a year, we will read through all six volumes—the entire Bible—in three years and then begin again.

Let's get swept up in God's word together so we can be transformed by His Word.


year TWO- book 4

Immerse: Prophets is the fourth volume in the Immerse Bible Reading Experience. It organizes the First Testament prophets into four periods:

  1. Before the fall of Israel’s northern kingdom: Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Isaiah
  2. Before the fall of the southern kingdom: Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk
  3. Around Jerusalem’s destruction: Jeremiah, Obadiah, Ezekiel
  4. After the return from exile: Haggai, Zechariah, Joel, Malachi