A community

art Walk

  • Welcome to this sacred space

    This Holy Week, may you engage in the spiritual practice of seeking—by asking questions, and by staying curious, open, and nimble. We hope you will soften your assumptions and expand your perspectives. We pray that these questions will create a safe space to explore—to be drawn more deeply into the fullness of life, into the heart of God.

    We hope you can view the art in person outside Faith Covenant Church, on the corner of Valley Ave and Washington St. from April 2-9.  For those who can't visit in person, smaller images of the artwork can be found below. 

    Each art piece was inspired by a poem written by Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed and published by Sanctified Art and a Bible passage.  The green text under each artist's name will take you directly to the Bible passage.  

    Click the play button below to listen to a reading of each poem: 

  • "listen in"

    Holly Pennington  //  Digital Mixed Media

    Poem: Who Will You Listen To?

    Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11

    Artist Statement: 

    This is a multilayered piece that incorporates many different textures, shapes, brush strokes and styles to depict the endless choices we have about listening. The white rectangle at the top right represents the constant hum in the background, or "white noise," that is not necessarily good or bad, but always there. The black lines on the bottom left form the shape of sound waves. The range of colors, light and dark, are reminders of all that enters our ears and hearts. From the darkness of lies we internalize from society, unhealthy relationships and skewed perspectives to the bright, beautiful messages of love and belonging (and everything in between), there is no limit to the color palette of noise. We rarely swipe the palette clean and sit with silence, listening in. But when we turn off the fleeting, changing sounds and tune inward, we can hear the life-giving truths that are always there - often buried under layers and layers of noise - that Jesus wants us to hold in our hearts, like the one peeking out in this piece: I am always with you. 


    • What voices are pulling you toward poison, and what voices are pulling you toward medicine?
    • In what ways might God’s still, small voice enable you to hear words of healing today?
  • "a godly perspective" 

    Karren Billingsley  //  Acrylic on Canvas

    Poem: How Do We Begin Again? 

    Scripture: John 3:1-17

    Artist Statement: 

    The passage John 3:1-17 has two main themes: the first is that our salvation is solely the result of God's grace, and the second is that our earthly spiritual journey is the result of our belief in our Savior, Jesus Christ, and our spiritual rebirth on the earthly journey. I focused on the second theme, our rebirth and transformation. I frequently contemplate this process in my activities. On hiking adventures there are multiple opportunities to experience changing perspectives in my space and surroundings, especially at high elevations. Similar thoughts occur when I am in an airplane flying through and above clouds during the moments of lift. My views radically change; always there is a spiritual moment when I am reminded not to "be wise in my own eyes". For me the changing views are a visual reminder of God's omniscience and my limitations.

    John 3:3 (Amplified Bible) speaks of spiritual change required to live eternally; "...unless a person is born again (reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified) he cannot (ever) see and experience the kingdom of God." As a believer I reflect upon the passage and think of Jesus' sacrifice for my salvation and my transformation on my earthly journey. A particular image photographed by my student-pilot grandson inspired me and became my visual for John 3:3. The picture of Mt. Rainier is perfectly layered between cloud formations. We are able to see a seemingly heavenly picture above and below the clouds where life happens, a Godly view in my imagination. However, as humans we only have partial views. The image further reminds me that we are on God's journey, seeing only what is necessary to navigate the moment. The jagged peaks could represent obstacles or an adjusted itinerary, not to be understood. In the process we reach and stumble on our own accord because we do not have the entire view or scope of purpose. However, with hope and belief we persevere with assurance that the unseen path, as portrayed by the unseen mountain top, will provide an easier, straighter, everlasting path.  We are aligned with God's Will and can experience eternity with Jesus.  


    • Do you believe in the possibility of new beginnings?
    • Are you open to the promise of a fresh start?
  • "John 4 Fourteen"

    Kalen Griffin  //   Mixed Media

    Poem: Anything and Everything

    Scripture: John 4:14, Exodus 1:7-9

    Artist Statement: 

    As I was thinking about these two pieces of scripture, I couldn’t help but sympathize with the thirsty souls coming to the well in the desert of Samaria and think about how desperate for water the wandering Israelites must have been. Both were on a journey, but for the Israelites it was particularly long, one that was going to take a lifetime. For them, life had changed a whole lot in a very short time. Their new home was a desert: a hot thirst-inducing place they did not want to be.

    Does that sound familiar? Are you thirsty too? In the last few years, all our lives have changed. Many feel their lives are too hot, that the searing rays of helplessness, depression, isolation, and insecurity are shriveling them from the inside out. If you look around and see a dry desert full of parching sun and no relief, a vast wasteland of worry, fear, stress, lies and care then it is time to find something better. 

    Read John 4:13-14. Here Jesus tells the Samaritan woman about the life giving water only He can offer her. He says those that drink of it will NEVER thirst again. Doesn’t that sound amazing?! And He draws her a soul freeing picture: "the water I give will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

    This water is offered to every one. EVERY one. He offers us the chance to be immersed in this life¬giving water, to raise our hands to the heavens and receive the deluge of grace, to feel the drenching spring of love, to dance in the flood of forgiveness, and to be saturated by peace.

    So as you pray during this Lenten season, ask Him to give you this water. Don’t be afraid, He will not deny you. He will quash the feelings of not being good enough with a soaking of love, obliterate Satan’s lies with a quenching flow of joy and turn a vast desert into the most beautiful oasis this side of Heaven. 


    • What areas of your life have been dry and parched, and in need of refreshment?
    • Would you be brave enough to ask God for a drink when you need it?
  • "In his hands"

    Cindy Conlin  //  Watercolor

    Poem: We Come With Questions

    Scripture: John 9:1-41

    Artist Statement: 

    I love the story in John 9 of Jesus healing the blind man. Though many questions swirl around as this event takes place, Jesus seems less concerned with answering the questions. His focus is on meeting the Blind man’s need and restoring his sight. As the poem states, “We come with questions assuming that there will be answers.” I am grateful that Jesus allows us to question, even though the answers may not come. What is most important is that Jesus will always meet our needs.

    The focus of my painting is mud in the hands of our Savior. The mud is symbolic to me in that God created us from dust, and in the John 9 scriptures, Jesus used mud to give sight (a new perspective) to the blind man. How many times have I needed Jesus to adjust my perspective about a person or a situation? When my mind is “always clamoring for some direction,” as the poem describes, I am thankful for the peace that Jesus gives me. He will help me see things differently if I just ask. In my painting, the river bends and flows, just as one questions bends into another, but I can rest in the belief that “God works beyond rules and boundaries.” I may not always understand why God does what He does, but if I trust the work of His hands, I will be given new sight.


    • What assumptions have you made about other people or what assumptions have other people made about you?
    • How can the lens of God’s love lead you to ask better questions before making judgements?
  • "New life" 

    Marty Child  //   Acrylic on Canvas

    Poem: The Answer Is Yes

    Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14

    Artist Statement: 

    In Ezekiel 37:1-14 the Lord asks Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?”.  When I read this passage I envisioned the valley, the scorched, parched earth, full of dry bones. And then I envision God bringing these bones to life!

    I am a retired Landscape Architect and all my life I have been drawn to nature. I had a professor in college who took us on a field trip into the middle of a beautiful wooded forest adjacent to a mountain stream. He said, “Look around, you will spend your entire career trying to recreate this beauty”.

    This passage in Ezekiel reminds me of the New Life God promises through His son Jesus Christ. God reminds us of this promise every spring as trees and shrubs burst forth with new life. There is always hope as the dreary days of winter are replaced with the magnificent beauty, color and fragrance of God’s wonderful creation.


    • What unseen places in you (Faith? Hope? Love?) are dead or dying?
    • Do you have faith that new life is possible with God?
  • "Path of sanctuary"

    Lucas Notehelfer  //  Watercolor

    Poem: Where Are You Headed?

    Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11

    Artist Statement: 

    I’ve always loved Palm Sunday. When I was young, I always looked forward to holding artificial palm branches and waving them at my friends. Even though it is a much smaller holiday than Christmas or Easter, I still hold the many Palm Sundays of the past in my memory. At times, as I held the palm branch, I felt closer to God. As we hold the palm of God’s hand, he leads us along a bright path of greenery and joy, but surrounding that path is an isolated wasteland of struggle.


    • What kind of crown are you seeking?
    • How is faith shaped by the version of Jesus people follow?
  • "Will you let me in?"

    Lynda Randolph  //  Acrylic

    Poem: Of All The Ways

    Scripture: John 13:1-17, 31b-35

    Artist Statement: 

    As I read the scripture of Jesus washing the disciples' feet and considered the poem, the vision that came to my mind was one of being made clean, of light and joy coming into my world when I accepted Jessus and allowed him to enter into my messy brokenness and love me through it.  We all live in dark, broken places that need the healing power of Jesus (much like the dark side of my painting).  However, like Peter, we don't believe we deserve what Christ is offering- we aren't good enough, clean enough, loving enough, or worthy of the gifts He wants to give us.  Somehow, we believe we need to clean up our lives and be better before we can let Him in.  We are afraid to let Him wash us clean because we fear once he sees our mess, he won't love us anymore.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  When we have the courage to let Jesus in, we discover the power of forgiveness, healing, love, mercy, and grace.  Our world becomes more beautiful and we can carry that on to those we meet- spreading God's love and joining Him in his redemptive mission in the world.  We can walk into another person's mess, lighten their load, and demonstrate God's care for them in even the smallest, humblest of ways.  

    When we journey on with Jesus, we will face dark places again as evidenced by the tunnel in the painting, but we will never face them alone.  Instead, we will find joy in our journey because Jesus will always be there guiding us on the path he places in front of us.  He will provide people to journey with us and encourage us when life is hard or when it is time to celebrate, but only if we accept Him.  Jesus waits with open arms and a loving gaze for everyone who seeks him.  

    I have let Him in, will you? 


    • In what ways might loving others in spite of/in the midst of your own messiness become an act of genuine hospitality?
    • Will you invite God into your mess?
  • "Why?"

    Sharon Beattie  //  Acrylic on canvas

    Poem: To Ask Why

    Scripture: Matthew 27:27-50

    Artist Statement: 

    What did Jesus feel as he faced rejection during the tragic events of Good Friday? I believe it was the feeling of rejection by both God and man. What could I paint that would convey the agony that caused him to cry out, “Why are you doing this to me!?”


    As I searched my heart, trying to empathize with his feelings, I felt emptiness, loneliness, and a hopeless void. I decided to look through my photos that I had recently taken in Curaçao and found this picture that I had taken of a crumbling building. This building was abandoned, empty of life and full of sadness. It made me feel the cry of “Why?”


    To empathize the lack of life, I chose to paint in monochromatic brown—-no blue sky, or green grass, or yellow flowers. Just a feeling of hopeless desolation.


    • What areas of grief or pain do you carry today?
    • What prayers of lament and grief can you bring to God in this moment?

  • "The Bliss of renewal"

    Bella Ralston  //  Watercolor

    Poem: Lost and Found

    Scripture: John 20:1-18

    Artist Statement: 

    The most memorable Easters were when I was little. I remember the bright green grass stretching wide. I felt so cared for as my mom lovingly did my hair in curls in preparation for Sunday morning. I always wore puffy dresses, the ones from Costco for little girls. The dress I recall the most was white with a blue ribbon at the waist. It had outlines of cartoon-like flowers with light green centers. The courtyard had patches of grass surrounding it, which spread along the edges of the church. Eggs were hidden around the side of the youth building. I felt free to be running around in a space much bigger than me, filled with joy as I ran to discover the eggs.

    In my painting, I wanted to capture this childlike joy by focusing on keeping light at the center of the picture, rather than prioritizing the darkness. I hoped to paint it in such a way as to give me a reminder of how even though the darkness, and the desperation that can come alongside it, will always be there, big or small, God’s brilliance remains endlessly triumphant and powerful over all despair. Living through God can change our outlooks on life, and help us see the vivid and much brighter, bigger picture.

    I painted the tomb from an outside perspective to continue the theme of viewing the scene with hope and light instead of showing an inside view, desolate and empty. I portrayed two angels embodying the yellow orbs, who protected Jesus, moving outside, and leaving death and the tomb behind. The angels surround a patch of flowers to represent Jesus and the new life and peace that comes from his resurrection, along with the truth that we can find the joy and beauty of Christ within normal, everyday life.

    Jesus uses ordinary things and unlikely people to accomplish great deeds. We do not have to search for extravagant and out-of-reach ideals to be a witness to the good that God reveals and blesses us with daily.


    • In what ways might you be seeking wholeness and fulfillment in other people?
    • What would it mean for you to love Jesus from the wholeness that he provides?

come and create with us! 

Join us for sacred spaces: a monthly art gathering

Secondary Title

The mission of SACRED SPACES is to provide a sacred space and time for creativity and fellowship.

You are invited to this sacred space.  

  • No previous experience is necessary.
  • Ages 12 and up are welcome.
  • Dale Child, a retired art teacher, will be offering instruction.
  • The Cost is $5 per person and includes all supplies (including snacks and drinks!).

The next planned projects are:

May 13- Rainforest: Click here to register for May's event

June 10- Beach/Ocean

July 15-Gardens

Click to view photos from our past Sacred Spaces events