The way of jesus 50 day challenge

Secondary Title


(Embracing Vulnerability)

Ask, Seek, Knock

Deep down we know that, in and of ourselves, we will never be “enough.” Facing and accepting this does not involve saying yes to the circumstances that caused our vulnerability. It is is an invitation to fully engage life as it now is with us. And it is an invitation to realize that God promises to meet us in our weakness and vulnerability and to provide for exactly what we need most.

1. Prayerfully read Luke 11:5-13  or click here to listen 

  • Open your imagination to the Holy Spirit and enter into the story, allowing God to bring to mind anything that might be relevant for you today.

  • Where in the story might God be inviting you to engage today?

  • What words or aspects of the story connect with you?

  • Keep these questions in mind as you engage in the weekly prayer practice today.

2. Prayer Practice: The Surrender Prayer

  • Focus: Simply be with what you are feeling and thinking right now; welcome everything that you are holding in your body, heart and mind. Without judging it, acknowledge what is true for you and do not fight against it. Ask yourself, Where do I feel this in my body? Focus there, without resistance. Welcome your feelings, because they point to places where God can bring healing. Accept and welcome.

  • Acknowledge your vulerability: become aware of your fears or anything that feels wrong / "off-center".  When you have fully embraced and accepted where you are, move to the next step. 

  • Surrender these fears and emotions to God: let go of any desire to change these feelings and then say : "God, I give you this feeling, this thought, I surrender this to your work in my life"  Mary Mrozowski, the creator of Welcoming Prayer, always included the following affirmations during this step:

  • I let go of my desire for security and survival.
  • I let go of my desire for esteem and affection.
  • I let go of my desire for power and control.
  • I let go of my desire to change the situation.

3. Jot down any notes to keep a record of your journey.

  • It doesn’t have to be “journaling.” Just capture any key thoughts, ideas, or challenges that come to mind during your time spent with God. This will allow you to track any recurring ideas or themes that God may want to guide you through.

For more detailed instructions click here

Review the Challenge Overview here

Week 1 Instructions

Week 2 Instructions

Week 3 Instructions

Week 4 Instructions

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