Soul Care Resources

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Soul Care involves using spiritual exercises in order to connect with God and care for our souls.


  • To intentionally make time for Soul Care--connecting with God
  • To learn to walk with and hear the Spirit in order to grow and be comforted
  • To become open to what the Spirit asks you to do with others on your journey of Connecting, Growing, and Serving

Below you'll find resources and weekly exercises that can be used for soul care in a practical way. We must always strive to spend time tending our souls and connecting with God. By doing this, we will all be able to meet the challenges and stress in our current situation in a more centered, measured way. These exercises can be done on your own or you could do them with a small group or triad (as long as you practice social distancing). Each week we will add a spiritual exercise to explore and try. May God bless you as you journey with him to a more Spirit Filled Life!

Soul Care Exercises:

Apps For Soul Care

Here are a few great resources for Bible reading, listening and prayer.  Click the images for more information. 

  • Sacred Space

  • Pray as You Go

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, 

yet forfeit their soul? - Mark 8:36

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